•What is the Zine title?
My ZINE title will be Caterpillar as self love is about becoming butterfly from a caterpillar. It is about personal development, it is about an evolution. Self love is about seeing ourselves through our own eyes. “When a caterpillar bursts from its cocoon and discovers it has wings, it doesn’t sit idly hopping to one day turn back.
What is the attitude / atmosphere?
I want the readers to feel empowered and know they’re worthy and that we all are beautiful in our own ways. I want the attitude to be confidence, positive and fun. Living the life you want, wear whatever you want, be you, do you and for you! The atmosphere that I want to capture is joyful, dreamy, personal space, chic and appreciate their own body.
•What is the message?
I want the message of the zine to be that we all should respect and be kind to ourselves, love yourself first. Even if it’s not easy but remember that no one born with confidence, thus we can take time building it and learning to accept all part of ourselves. Overall, the strength and power we all have.
•What sound can you use?
I think strong beats and lyrics from songs that are powerful and the sounds or quotes from a music video that is captivating. Such as Runaway – Galantis, One kiss – Dualists Lipa. Any songs that makes you want to dance and happy. Moreover, makes the film or moving photographs even more impactful and tells the story and sets the mood.