SDS 3: Content page

I tried to lay-outing the text and images together by considering of the font types, as you can see on the samples below, I experimented with several fonts and I also designed my own ‘Caterpillar’ title. I played with the contrasting colors and painted the background to hearts pattern. Furthermore, I tried to keep the color way and mood&tone of each pages relating to each other. Overall, I think the fonts work very well with the style of my zine However, I can improve on lay outing because some pages look a bit overcrowded. Moreover, the interview with mom pages still have neutral colors, so I would like to add some more colors like purple or blue into it. I also feel like the picture will probably look more attractive in an advertise format.

cover page
The pictures of me in blue dress are taken by my friend, Nastya Inozemtseva
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